

Fabricante bonum Price Tetrahydrofurran Cas: 109-99-9

Short description:

Tetrahydrofurran (THF) est in hyalina, volatile liquor cum aetherium aut acetonelike odor et miscible in aquam et maxime organicum solvents.tetrahydrofuran (pomaque monoxide et carbonis dioxide. Valet repono in contactu cum aere et in absentia antioxidant potest causare thf ad decomposi in explosivae peroxides.

CAS: 109-99-9

Product Detail

Product Tags


Tetramethylene Aether MM Polymer, Tetrahydrofurran, 99,8% [Tetrahydrofurran, ACS / HPLC Certified]: Tetrahydrofurran, 99.6%, stabilized cum BHT,%, stabilitate cum BHT,% pure;Tetrahydrofuran, 99.9%, anhydrous, stabilized, extra pure;Tetrahydrofuran, 99.5+%, for spectroscopy;Tetrahydrofuran, 99.8%, unstabilized, for HPLC;Tetrahydrofuran, 99.85%, water <50 ppm, stabilized, extra dry.

Applications of Tetrahydrofurran

Tetrahydrofuran adhibetur in fabricare Polymers tum agriculturae, pharmaceutical et mercimonia chemicals. Manufacturing activities communiter fieri in clausa systems aut sub engineering controllata, quae terminum artifex nuditate et release ad environment. Type est etiam usus est ut solvendo (eg, pipe decet), ut consequuntur in magis significant exposures, cum solebant in angustiis sine satis evacuatione. Licet thf est naturaliter praesens in capulus odor, floured chickpeas, et cocta pullum, naturalis exposures non praevenitur ad pose a significant aleam.
Butylene cadmiae adhibetur sicut fumigant et inadmiestrum cum aliis componit. Est solebatto stabiliendum fuel respectu color andslngle formationem.
Tetrahydrofuran adhibetur ut solventum forresins, vinyls et alta polymers; Sicut grignardreaction medium ad organkometallic et metallum hydride profectae; et in synthesisof et succinic acidum butyrolactone.
Solvendo ad altum Polymers, praecipue polyvinyl chloride. Ut reactionem medium ad grignard et metallum hydride profectae. In synthesim de butyrolactone, acidum succinicarius, 1,4-butanedool diacetate. Solvendo in histological artes. Sit usus sub Foederatum cibum, medicamine & medicamine agere pro fabricatione articulis ad packaging, transportandam, aut thesauri cibis, si RELICTUM moles non excedunt 1.5% de film, pavit. Regist. XXVII, MMMCMXIX (June XXV, MCMLXII).
Tetrahydrofuran is used primarily (80%) to make polytetramethylene ether glycol, the base polymer used primarily in the manufacture of elastomeric fibers (eg, spandex) as well as polyurethane and polyester elastomers (eg, artificial leather, skateboard wheels). Reliquum (XX%) adhibetur in solvendo Applications (eg, pipe tincidunt, adhesives, printing inks et magnetica tape) et in reactionem solvendo in eget et pharmaceutical syntheses.


Tetrahydrofuran specificationem





Chromaticity (In Hazen) (Pt-Co)




Stipare Tetrahydrofurran

Logistics Lorem
Logistics Lorem

180kg / tympanum

Repono debet esse ad frigus, arida et ventilare.


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